Members get together on 22 February 2020 at Grizzly Peak Winery to plan future activities
About 40 Amigo Club members convened on a February afternoon at Grizzly Peak winery to enjoy Argentinian empanadas and accompaniments, select 2020 board members, hear from university students who have participated in the Amistad Program, and plan for club activities during the upcoming year. Members delighted in the convivial atmosphere of the winery venue.
Geraldo, owner of Caba Argentinian Empanadas & Desserts ( served a variety of delicious meat and vegetarian empanadas, several side salads, and the ever-popular alfajores (Argentinian cookies filled with dulce de leche).
Members approved the slate of Amigo Club board members for 2020 (from left to right): Señora Chela Tapp-Kocks (Guanajuato liason), Kernan Turner (501 C-3 grants coordinator), Mina Turner (president), Karen Grove (vice president and web mistress), Lynn Lamoree (secretary), Sean Van Ausdall (treasurer), Catherine Van Ausdall (historian). Not in attendance was Marina Kendig (guest housing coordinator). Members at large (present but not in photo): Jay Ach and Diana del Rio.
Orianna S. Alter, 2019 Amigo Club Scholarship recipient, talked about her positive experiences as an SOU student studying at the University of Guanajuato.
Hallie “Jack” Flukinger, 2019 Amigo Club Scholarship recipient, talked about his positive experiences as an SOU student studying at the University of Guanajuato.
Saul Isaac Sanchez Flores, 2019–20 Amigo Club Scholarship recipient, talked about his positive experiences here in Ashland as a University of Guanajuato student studying at SOU. Isaac is studying computer science and was on the “President’s List” for his academic achievements in the fall term; he has continued to study during the winter term and also plans to stay for the spring term. Isaac has gotten involved in extracurricular activities such as rowing and cooking for international student events. He is staying in the “casita” of Amigo Club members Jay Ach and Karen Grove.
Virginia Silbowitz, owner of Grizzly Peak winery (front left of photo), graciously welcomed Amigo Club members. Also at the table (left to right): Donna Rhee, Ken Rhee, Grazyna Oprawski, Elizabeth Krolak and Slavek Krolak.
Members Tom Lamoree, Snow Mountain, Larry Jones, Diana del Rio.
Members Frank Gill, Gudrun Gill, Amy Lepon, Brad Hildreth and Jacqueline Notrica finish eating and prepare to write their ideas about future activities on a poster board. Each table then shared their ideas with the rest of the group.
Members Lynne Frevert, Marsha King-Rosine, Art Rosine, Señora Chela Tapp-Kocks.
Orianna Alter and members Sean Van Ausdall, Catherine Van Ausdall, John Enders.
Members Marian Telerski and John Morrison, former majors of Talent and Ashland, respectively.
Click on Activity_ideas to see the list of activities that members are interested in doing together. Activities will be scheduled once the health crisis has diminished.