Mural titled "Ashland—Where Culture Meets Nature", created by Denise Baxter in 2018 in Guanajuato, with views of the colorful city in the background.
Bienvenidos / Welcome to the Amigo Club of Ashland, Oregon: promoting the sister-city relationship between Ashland and Guanajuato Mexico since 1969. In 2019 we celebrated our 50-year anniversary. We hope you'll join us as we embark on another 50 years of cross-border friendships—just click on "Contact" (menu items at top of page).
Click here— 2024_Mina's Message to the Board and Membership —to read Mina Turner's farewell letter to Amigo Club members after her 15 years as club president.
Click here to read Peter Finkle's blog about "Rio Amistad", a mural of tilework installed on the stairs and landing between Calle Guanajuato and Granite Street to honor the sister-city relationship between Ashland and Guanajuato.
Click here to read another of Peter Finkle's blog —"Ashland & Guanajuato Murals: Sister City Public Art". It describes the process of getting the murals painted and contains many wonderful photos of both Ashland and Guanajuato.